
 Participation groups
 Outline of Conference
  For Inquiries
  Organizing Committee
  Important Date
  Way of Paper Submission and Peer Review
  Guideline of Abstract
  Registration and Submission of Abstract
 List of the prize winner

Presentation Topics

  • Undisclosed new technologies and research outputs.
  • Previously disclosed articles presented in different perspective with the addition of new findings.
  • New products, improvements in production technologies, developments.
  • The investigation and the study results which had local activation and social welfare for their object.

Presentation Styles

  • Presentations are made orally or in poster, basically delivered in English.
  • Japanese can also be used if necessary and if allowed by the Secretariat.

Way of Presentation and Attention

[Oral Presentation]

The contents of each session will be determined by the organizer and the chairman. There will be invited lectures (40 min), keynote speech (25 min), oral presentation (12 min: 10min talk + 2min Q&A). Presentations are in Powerpoint delivered through a projector. The presentor should bring a USB memory stick containing the presentation file and hand it over to the organizer at 12:00~12:45 for afternoon sessions to be uploaded to the computer prepared for each session.

[Poster Presentation]

Poster presentation will be held for 1 hour. Prepare a AO-size poster in English with the following dimensions: height =1189mm. width =841mm.

Award System

To foster young researchers, excellent presentation awards will be given to researcher, students, or those who graduated within the last 5 years and are below 35 years old. All Paper is comprehensively judged from the view point of regional Activation, social contribution and welfare and the two most distinguished persons are awarded the society awards. In addition, the report award is awarded to a few people by the recommendation of the executive committee.

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